When Will You Start Calling Yourself a Writer?

Dany Szelsky
1 min readOct 12, 2020


Fondazione Giorgio Cini; my favorite library in the world.

When will you start calling yourself a writer? This is the question that has been haunting me for what seems like an unnamable stretch of time. After all those university essays, journals, digital notes, failed blogs, self-publishing shenanigans, challenges, prompts, Instagram captions, scraps of papers, abandoned first chapters… surely I should have abandoned the idea; yet the thunderstorm of plots, couplets, and images that I have forced into oblivion refuse to let go.

When will you start calling yourself a writer? when you are good enough? popular enough? well-read enough?

When will you start calling yourself a writer? when your words are forwarded by the validating seal of an institution? when your stats show the abstract readers behind the screen?

When will you start calling yourself a writer? you have been waiting to reach perfection yet perfection is unattainable in a blank page.

You will never call yourself a writer unless you write. You will never become successful unless you fail. You will never produce a good piece of writing unless you learn what makes a bad piece of writing.

So embrace fear and start writing. Who cares what the world says? Sit down. Write. Call yourself a writer.



Dany Szelsky
Dany Szelsky

Written by Dany Szelsky

Self acclaimed romantic youth and elysianer. ”The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art’s aim” — Oscar Wilde 🥀

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