Nanowrimo and Ray Bradbury projects
Happy Halloween everyone! October has come to its end and the end of a very unpredictable year is upon us. And what have I, your masochistic blogger decided to do? Add one (ok two) more projects to my overflowing to-do list. I can’t help it, whenever I encounter something worth pursuing, I forget about the banalities of time constraints and relaxation to embark on new adventures. Hopefully, these ones will be smoothly mixed with the work I already have to do for university and each will enrich the other.
Lately, I have felt comfort in writing. Moreover, I have felt comfort in certain types of writing, namely, Ryan Holiday’s newsletter and R.C. Waldun’s. I have also been contemplating the idea of bringing my love for books, which I shared on my booktube channel, and transforming into something that went beyond. I want to start a movement and share “life lessons” that I’ve learned from the things I read, watch, encounter. Going beyond the book review, I want to bring Romanticism into the daily lives of people and of myself. Thus, I signed up for this year's Nanowrimo to kickstart my writing here in Medium. My goal is to write 50,000 words but instead of following the format of a novel, I will be writing blog posts :)
I have one class at university that is challenging, exciting, and inspiring. It’s a class where I feel that I don’t know anything not because I lack sufficient literary skills but because there is yet so much to know and, truth to be told, I have not engaged in active pursuit of knowledge in the past couple of years. Or not as I feel like I should have. Which brings me to a feeling of inadequacy even though it’s not true. But one can use this as an opportunity to expand one's horizons. I read about Ray Bradbury’s reading diet, which recommends the daily read of one essay, one poem, one short story. I’m not so keen on short stories but I am aware of the power of reading such a varied selection every day. I have done a slight variation of this at university when it coincides that I must write an essay while studying poetry or novels for other classes and I can attest to the intellectual benefit of it. But I have not done this actively if I don’t need to. So I will take on this challenge for however long I can sustain it (Bradbury says 1000 nights) and I will read, one essay, one poem, and one short story (or chapter of a novel) every day.
Looking into this project it sounds like more than I can chew but here is the logic behind it:
- The reading diet will include some things that I need to read for uni anyway.
- Reading like this will most definitely inspire my writing.
- Writing daily will also ignite more ideas and facilitate essay writing.
The posts might be spread around my main profile and two publications, depending on what I come up with :)
Here’s to hoping I won’t give up in two days.
What are your plans for November?